History of use and Information
A Brief History of Silver and Nanoparticles
Silver has a long history of being an antibacterial agent. Not only did ancient Greek and Roman civilizations use silver to disinfect water and food, but other pioneers also submerged silver coins in water and milk to keep the drinks fresh. By the 1920s, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved silver solution as a type of antibacterial agent.
After the discovery of silver as an antibacterial agent, Richard Feyman, a physicist at Caltech, introduced the concept of the “nano-world” in 1959 in his famous lecture “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom.” Feynman suggested that in principle, it was possible to develop “nano-scale” machines capable of producing smaller products. Feynman suggested that if microscopic “machine shops” were created, then materials could be one billion times smaller than the current size to reach an unprecedented nano-scale level. Feynman proposed that smaller particles, with their lower mass, encounter less gravitational force, but experience greater influence by both Van Der Waals interactions and surface tension. His lecture on individual atoms and molecular manufacturing eventually stimulated scientists and engineers worldwide to develop technology to image, fabricate, and manipulate the fundamental structures of atoms and molecules [2].
Feynman’s proposition did not transform into a scientific concept until the 1980s and ’90s when Eric Drexler, along with other researchers, coined the term “nanotechnology”. Thereafter, engineers slowly unwound the mystery inside the nano-world Feynman had constructed in 1959. Along with increasing knowledge of the nano-world, scientists unveiled more unique features of nanoparticles. For instance, engineers noticed that, given their miniscule size, nanoparticles have a high surface-area-to-volume ratio, which means these particles also have a high reaction rate.
It is very important that you understand there are products containing silver salts and proteins (MSP or CSP) that are also called Colloidal Silver. This is untrue and very misleading. These have been proved to develop Argyria and could also be inherently dangerous and must be avoided.
What gives color to colloids?
Dosage – 1-3 teaspoons 2-4 times daily, depending on usage.
Ingredients: Distilled water, 99.9999 Silver
Do Not Take With A Metallic Spoon – We recommend glass or plastic (this is due to metal causing the silver ions to lose their positive charge)
Colloidal silver dosage today depends more on the purpose for taking the solution than on the solution itself. For example, if you are simply taking the colloidal silver solution as a mineral supplement, the “standard” dosage is one teaspoon of 20 ppm colloidal silver.
While many people take this colloidal silver as a daily supplement, others take it only on a need basis. In such cases, the generally accepted colloidal silver dosage is one ounce during a twenty-four hour period. This is called “therapeutic” colloidal silver dosage and is safe if not taken for extended periods of time. We do not use salts of proteins in our process, as these products are not recommended and can cause argyria. The only reason to be careful for long term high dosage is possible loss of gut flora (good bacteria). As long as these are replenished with a probiotic during heavy use then there should be no cause for concern. But like with anything, moderation is important.
In cases involving an illness or sudden exposure to a harmful organism (such as anthrax spores), natural health practitioners have often recommended taking double (or even triple) the “standard” dose for anywhere from 30 to 45 days in order to provide general protection, and then reducing it to a smaller maintenance dose. In acute conditions, amounts ingested have ranged anywhere from 1 to 16 ounces per day.
When taken orally, solutions of Colloidal silver is absorbed directly from the mouth into the bloodstream, and then is transported rapidly to the cells of the body. Holding or swishing the solution under the tongue for approximately 30 seconds before swallowing may result in quicker absorption, and the silver may accumulate in the bodily tissues in sufficient amounts within 3 to 4 days in order for benefits to occur.
In order for it to reach the lower digestive tract, add one teaspoonful of Colloidal silver to 16 ounces of distilled water, and drink this for 5 days. Colloidal silver is eliminated by the kidneys, bowels and lymphatic system after several weeks.
It is also important to consume several glasses of water each day when using Colloidal silver in order to purge the body of toxins.
DRINK PLENTY OF CLEAN, PURE WATER – At least 1 litre a day. Distilled water is best.
However, if your body is extremely ill or toxic, do not attempt to cleanse the body too rapidly. If pathogens are destroyed too quickly, then the body’s five eliminatory channels (the liver, kidneys, lungs, bowels and skin) may become temporarily overloaded, resulting in a “healing crisis” condition (commonly referred to as ‘feeling worse before feeling better’ syndrome) that includes symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, extreme fatigue, aching muscles and other flu-like conditions. If this occurs, then reduce your intake of Colloidal silver while increasing the amount of distilled water.
In either of the above examples, the colloidal silver dosage applies only if the solution is taken orally.
Colloidal silver may be used as a topical treatment also. To use colloidal silver topically to fight skin infections and help wounds heal faster, patients usually apply a small amount of product to the infected area regularly. Many users claim success by moistening the sponge part of a bandage with colloidal silver and applying it to the area. Many hospitals do the same by using silver infused bandages. Colloidal silver has no proven side effects.
However, anyone who is allergic to silver should obviously abstain from taking any silver product. Some people may experience rashes, aches, and flu like symptoms after taking colloidal silver. This is not a negative reaction to the silver itself, but rather something called the Herxheimer reaction.
Colloidal silver is completely safe for children, and many have used the solution either orally, or topically in the eyes and ears of small infants with no adverse reactions.
How Long Does It Keep?
Even though our process is done correctly, hence why there is no need for a light sensitive bottle (Brown/Blue). All silver products are susceptible to oxidation from light, temperature and exposure to air. The cooler and more shaded the storage, the longer it will keep. In theory, it could last for years but we recommend 1 year as a quality assurance.
The information presented in all associated documents is presented as research and opinion only. These products have not been tested or approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. *Alchemik Colloidal makes no claims or promises as to health benefits of its dietary/health supplements. Consequences of dietary, topical or other use of any product is the sole responsibility of the customer. If you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us.